
Scandinavian Mountains over 2000 metres - James Baxter

AreasHurrunganeWalking Routes › Hu.13

Hu.13  Avdalen Farm cabin to Stølsmaradalen cabin
3½ hours / 8km
650m / 750m
Marked in summer.

Leave Avdalen Farm and ascend steeply up for 1km to Vårstølen seter. Here to the south of the buildings the path divides with a west branch going off to Gravdalen cabin (Hu.12). The main northerly branch to Stølsmaradalen continues to ascend steeply for a further hour when it levels off and emerges around the tree line.

For the next 5km the path traverses along the hillside passing under some small waterfalls and crossing flower filled meadows.

At the largest waterfall the old drove road from Fardalen (Hu.10) joins the path from the west and 3km after this the path from Vetti (Hu.14) joins from the south.

After another pleasant 1km the bridge over the river Stølsmaradøla is reached, and the idyllic cabin is just after it in a meadow.