Memuru Veo Massif

Scandinavian Mountains over 2000 metres - James Baxter

Areas › Memuru Veo Massif

area mapThe Memuru-Veo is a large and diverse heavily glaciated region in central Jotunheimen. The massif is bounded by Gjende lake to the south, Visdalen and Urdadalen to the west, upper Veodalen to the north and Russvatnet to the east. There are 13 mountains in this area with another 17 secondary peaks and some 6 major glaciers in the massif.

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Mountains & Associated Peaks in Memuru Veo Massif

Ref Name Height
11.1 Surtningssui 2368m
11.14 Sortopp Surtningssui 2302m
11.22 Søre Blåbrehøi 2196m
11.2 Store Memurutind
11.15 Vestre Memurutind V1 2280m
11.16 Vestre Memurutind V3 2243m
11.19 Vestre Memurutind V4 2230m
11.26 Vestre Memurutind V6 2140m
11.3 Store Heillstugutind
11.4 Midtre Heillstugutind
11.21 Nordre Heillstugutind 2218m
11.27 Nordre Heillstugubrehesten 2136m
11.28 Søre Heillstugubrehesten 2120m
11.30 Heillstuguhøi 2072m
11.5 Leirhøi 2330m
11.23 Veobrehesten 2185m
11.6 Austre Memurutind 2301m
11.7 Søre Veotind 2267m
11.17 Store Veotind 2240m
11.18 Sørøstre Styggehøbretind 2232m
11.20 Sørvestre Styggehøbretind 2220m
11.24 Nordre Styggehøbretind 2167m
11.25 Nordre Blåbrehøi 2165m
11.29 Nordre Veotind 2120m
11.8 Nestsøre Heillstugutind 2255m
11.9 Semeltind 2236m
11.10 Søre Heillstugutind 2189m
11.11 Veobretind 2189m
11.12 Hinnotefjell 2114m
11.13 Spiterhøi 2033m

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