Scandinavian Mountains over 2000 metres - James Baxter
Areas › Hurrungane › Walking Routes › Hu.10
Hu.10 | Fardalen valley to Stølsmaradalen cabin |
7 hours / 16km 970m / 600m |
Unmarked, but obvious in old drove road to summer seters and pastures. |
Start in Fardalen near the small ski centre where the Åsetelvi stream comes down from the east. Climb steeply up the north side of the stream through the forest. After an ½ hour the forest thins and a collection of seter buildings appears.
Cross to the south side of the stream and follow a small tributary east for 2½km through an obvious pass. Continue east for another 2½km while descending down into Gravdalen where the river Gravdøla must be waded over.
On the east of the river the path forks and one path (Hu.12) goes down to Gravdalen and Avdalen Farm cabins. The path to Stølsmaradalen cabin climbs over a ridge and descends into another valley, Slufsedalen, where another smaller river must be waded.
From here the path climbs over another ridge, Fuglenosi, and then makes a long traverse across the hillside for 2km where it meets the more distinct and marked path Hu.13. Follow this marked path as it traverses the hillside for another 4km to Stølsmaradalen cabin.