Memuru Veo Massif

Scandinavian Mountains over 2000 metres - James Baxter

AreasMemuru Veo MassifSøre Veotind › Associated Peaks

11.17 Store Veotind 2240m

Veotind, 2240m, is best climbed from the larger Styggehøbrean glacier one Km to the north west of Styggehøbreskardet saddle. From the edge of the glacier clamber up the boulders on the south east face to the airy summit. All other approaches require climbing in addition to glacier crossings.


11.18 Sørøstre Styggehøbretind 2232m

Søraustre Styggehøbreatind, 2232m, is best climbed from Styggehøbrean glacier by climbing the tongue of glacier that descends down from the mountain and the knoll 2067m. Once up the glacier follow it south west until it ends and then follow the gentle scree slope to the top.


11.20 Sørvestre Styggehøbretind 2220m

Sørvestre Styggehøbreatind, 2220, is easily climbed up the scree covered ridge from Styggehøbreskardet saddle. It make also be climbed from the south by following the ridge south from Surtningssui over Blåbreahøe. A short ridge connecting this mountain with Søraustre Styggehøbreatind involves grade III climbing.


11.24 Nordre Styggehøbretind 2167m

Nørdre Styggehøbreatind, 2167m, is best climbed from the saddle between the larger and smaller Styggehøbrean glaciers which lies one Km to the north of the Styggehøbreskardet saddle. From the edge of the glacier start up the easy scree covered slop of the west ridge to reach the top.


11.25 Nordre Blåbrehøi 2165m

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11.29 Nordre Veotind 2120m

Nørdre Veotind, 2120m, is arguably most easily climbed via the saddle with Veotind to the south, but this involves a glacier crossing and is exposed in some sections on the ridge. Alternatively the north east ridge starting from knoll 1810m on the summer route to Sore Veotind could be used. The ridge has some airy passages towards the top where a rope and belay could be useful.