Knutshols Tjønnhols Massif

Scandinavian Mountains over 2000 metres - James Baxter

AreasKnutshols Tjønnhols MassifTjønnholsoksle › Alternative Routes

Were Tjønnholsoksle in another location it might be an exciting mountain. However in Leirungsdalen it cannot match the splendour of its alpine neighbours.

It can be ascended via the north west scree covered ramp which leads up from the Skarvflye plateau, as described here or it can be climbed from Leirungsdalen as described in more detail below as the normal route.

The route up the north west ridge from the Skarvflye plateau is relatively simple. The route ascends the gentle slope of packed scree up the wide ramp for 1 km to the summit. On each side of this ramp are steep drops into corries. To the west is Skarvflyløyftholet and to the east is Søre Tjønnholet. During the spring there are cornices over these corries, in particular over Søre Tjønnholet where there are large overhangs.

To get to the start of the north west ridge either descend down via Skarvflyløyfttind as described on the Austre Leirungstind page or descend the south west ridge of Tjønnholstind as described on the Tjønnholstind page. Indeed it is normal to combine an ascent of Tjønnholsoksle with one of these two mountains, especially Tjønnholstind, where a good circular day out can be had.