
Scandinavian Mountains over 2000 metres - James Baxter

Areas › Kebnekaise

area mapKebnekaise is the most northerly area with any 2000 metre mountains in Scandinavia and lies well north of the Arctic Circle.

The Kebnekaise massif, along with the adjacent slightly lower Abiskofjällen and Kaitumfjällen massifs, to the north and south respectively make up the greater Kebnekaise Range which is some 100km long and 50km wide.

From the lakes around the massif, especially on the east side, huge birch clad forests with silt laden and meandering rivers lead into the range. Mammoth arterial glaciers would have filled these valleys but they have now retreated up to the high side valleys in the wilder alpine heartland of the range.

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Mountains & Associated Peaks in Kebnekaise

Ref Name Height
20.1 Giebmegáisi* 2104m
20.4 Nordtoppen 2097m
20.2 Gaskkascohkka
20.3 Gaskkasbákti

* At the moment the south top is higher but the north top will be soon.

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Accommodation in Kebnekaise ›
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